4. More on the Border

There is the story of the elderly American lady who lived in a town beside the Canadian border. She wanted to redo her garden and was having the property surveyed. To their amazement, the surveyors found that her property actually straddled the border.

The lady was extremely upset.

Her family tried to console her. “Canadians are really nice,” they told her. “They are our friends and Canada is a good country.”

“Oh, I know all that,” the lady replied. “But the weather...”

Our business in Oakville is carried on under two different names, Halton Hyperbarics and Gericke-Nesbitt Regenerative Medicine, and the weather is pretty much the same in each case. It’s always bright for starters (thanks to two of the walls of the treatment room being glass). There are some high-pressure areas (we have six hyperbaric chambers), and no pollution (thanks to our air cleaners that even remove viruses from the air).

So if you are receiving hyperbaric oxygen treatment at Halton Hyperbarics, please enjoy the good air, the ever-present representation of nature, the restorative music – the whole ambience. It might well be the most relaxing part of your day.


5. Take a Number


3. A Cardinal Issue